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[Google Cloud Skills Boost(Qwiklabs)] Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path - 8. Transformer Models and BERT Model 본문


[Google Cloud Skills Boost(Qwiklabs)] Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path - 8. Transformer Models and BERT Model

Diana Kang 2023. 9. 9. 20:32


Generative AI Learning Path

  • RNN/LSTM -> Sequence-to-sequence model
    • i.e. Translation, Text classification

We'll focus on Transformer


  • Although all the models before Transformers were able to represent words as vectors, these vectors did not contain the context.
  • And the usage of words changes based on the context before attention mechanisms came about.


  • A transformer is an encoder-decoder model that uses the attention mechanism.
  • It can take advantages of pluralization and also process a large amount of data at the same time because of its model architecture.

  • Attention mechanism helps improve the performance of machine translation applications.
  • Transformer models were built using attention mechanisms at the core.

  • A transformer model consists of encoder and decoder.
    • The encoder encodes the input sequence and passes it to the decoder.
    • The decoder decodes the representation for a relevant task.

  • The encoding component is a stack of encoders of the same number.
  • Transformers stack six encodes on top of each other.
    • Six is a hyperparameter.

  • The encoders are all identical in structure but with different weights.
  • Each encoder can be broken down into two sub-layers
    • The first layer - Self attention
      • It helps to encode or look at relevant part of the words as it encodes a central word in the input sentence.
    • The second layer - Feedforward
      • The output of the self-attention layer is fed to the feedforward neural network.
      • It is independently applied to each position.
  • The decoder has both the self attention and the feedforward layer, but between them is the encoder-decoder, attention layer that helps a decoder focus on relevant parts of the input sentence.

  • After embedding the words in the input sequence, each of the embedding vector flows through the two layers of the encoder.
  • The word at each position passes through a self attention process then it passes through a feedforward neural network.
  • The exact same network with each vector flowing through it separately.
  • Dependencies exist between these paths in the self attention layer.

  • However, the feedforward layer does not have these dependencies and therefore various paths can be executed in parallel while they flow through the feedforward layer.


  • In the self attention layer, the input embedding is broken up into query, key, and value vectors.
  • These vectors are computed using weights that the transformer learns during the training process.

  • All of these computations happen in parallel in the model, in the form of matrix computation.

  • Once we have the query, key, and value vectors, the next step is to multiply each value vector by the soft max score to sum them up.
    • The intention is to keep intact the values of the words you want to focus on and leave out irrelevant words by multiplying them by tiny numbers (i.e. 0.001).

  • Next, we have to sum up the weighted value vectors which produce the output of the self attention layer at this position.
  • For the first word, you can send along the resulting vector to the feedforward neural network.

To sum up this process of getting the final embeddings, these are the steps that we take.


There are multiple variations of transformers out there now.

  • A popular encoder-only architecture is BERT.




  • BERT is one of the trained transformer models.
  • BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, and was developed by Google in 2018.

Today, BERT powers Google Search.

  • BERT was trained in two variations.
    • 1) BERT Base
      • It has 12 layers of Transformer with about 110 million parameters.
    • 2) BERT Large
      • It has 24 layers of Transformer with about 340 million parameters.
  • The tasks work at both a sentence level and a token level.


Original Transformer has six layers.



  • The way that BERT works is was trained on two different tasks.
Task 1) Masked language modeling (MLM)

  • The sentences are masked and the model is trained to predict the masked words.
  • If you were to train BERT from scratch, you would have to mask a certain percentage of the words in your corpus. (The recommended percentage for masking is 15%.)
    • The masking percentage achieves a balance between too little and too much masking.
Task 2) Next sentence prediction (NPS)

The second task is to predict the next sentence.

  • BERT aims to learn the relationships between sentences and predict the next sentence given the first one.
    • BERT is responsible for classifying if sentence B is in the next sentence after sentence A (Binary Classification task).


1) BERT input embeddings > Token embeddings
2) BERT input embeddings > Segment embeddings
3) BERT input embeddings > Position embeddings

  • In order to train BERT, you need to feed three different kinds of embeddings to the model.
  • For the input sentence, you get three different embeddings:
    • Token, Segment, Position Embeddings
      • 1) Token embedding 
        • It is a representation of each token as an embedding in the input sentence.
        • The words are transformed into vector representations of certain dimensions.
      • 2) Segment embedding
        • There is a special token represented by SEP that separates the two different splits of the sentence.
      • 3) Position embedding
        • There is a special token represented by SEP that separates the two different splits of the sentence.

BERT can be used for different downstream tasks.